'Dashain Sabai Ko Lagi' Campaign

On 12 Oct 2021, in collaboration with Hami Nepal, Metal for Nepal visited four different orphanages located in Balaju, Kirtipur and Godavari. The names of the institutions are as follows,
- Supporting Children Initiative Foundation, Kirtipur
- United Creative Society Nepal, Tarkeshwor
- Maya Ghar, Kirtipur
- Nepal Helpless Children Society, Godawari
This festive season, we decided to create a special Dashain for the children by presenting them with suitable gifts according to their age group. The gifts were purchased and personally
hand wrapped for the children.

The purpose of visiting these institutions and celebrating Dashain along with the children was to encourage every individual to be more giving and more mindful towards the organizations committed to make the lives of orphans happier. It’s a wonderful way to ensure the children that Dashain is a
festival for all of us.