The TEam
(goodwill Ambassador)
Miki is the man behind the most respected tattoo convention on Earth, London Tattoo Convention.
He is also an editor of a tattoo life magazine, 'Tattoo Life Magazine' and a guitar enthusiast with amazing collection of custom made guitars. We are glad to announce that Miki has joined Metal For Nepal as our Goodwill Ambassador. We are so thrilled to have him on board.
John is a tattoo artist from Nepal and he has been tattooing for 18 years. He is the organizer of the Nepalinked Tattoo and Lifestyle Festival since 2013. He also introduced the first tattoo magazine in Nepal (Nepal Inked Magazine).
John has organized several painting exhibitions around the world and judged national and international tattoo conventions and contests. He also actively participates in community-based activities.
Bijay together with tattoo artist Mohan started the first ever tattoo art meet in South Asia, Nepal Tattoo Convention, which for the past decade is loved and supported by artists from all around the world. After the great earthquake of 2015, he along with his friends brought the global tattoo family together to help Nepal. Now he is with Metal for Nepal and will reach out to the tattoo tribe to once again support MFN`s endeavour to support children of Nepal.
From Villars-le-Grand in Switzerland, 40 years old, married to Anik Etter and father of a little Syan. A professional musician, and an active drummer in several bands, he has led his own music school since 1999. Guido is also a tattoo artist at Steel-Workshop in Murten and a painter.
He has collaborated with people in Nepal since 2010. He also helps SAATH - an association that provides assistance to street children.
Benjamin is from Murten in Switzerland, 42 years old, father of two children, Ella & Josh. Executive Assistant at PerspectivePlus, a professional reintegration company for young people.
Since 2012, he is also helping SAATH, an association for street children in Kathmandu.
Randy is the frontman for the band Voice of Ruin. He initiated the “Metal for Nepal” Campaign during the 2015 Nepal Earthquake to provide humanitarian support. The campaign hosted various shows across the world to raise funds to support funding several projects in Nepal during that time.
Dipit Raz is a photographer based in Kathmandu, Nepal. He is renowned for his work with Underside. Dipit also works as an official photographer for Silence Festival, Nepal.
He has been part of metal for Nepal campaign since 2015 and his work has been featured in various national and international platforms like Metal Hammer and Kerrang! to name a few.
Avishek KC, Based in Kathmandu, Nepal is the frontman for the band Underside and is involved in Silence Festival for the past decade. He has been very vocal about the injustice and prejudices of Nepalese society through his lyrics and encouraging youth to participate and engage within the community.
Avishek was on the front line supporting the relief team during the 2015 Earthquake.
Rejin Khanal is based in Texas, United States and has been friends with Underside since his childhood days. He is the master of beloved dog “Chai” and married to wonderful Anjila. Rejin looks after the logistics and postage of our merchandise and artworks for USA and North America.